The author investigates the processes of the establishment of forced vibrations and the distribution of amplitudes and phases of currents of polarization of dielectric resonators (DR) in various designs of microwave filters, including band-band-stop (NRF), band-pass (PPF), as well as cases of OTHERS at the junction of the waveguide lines, one of which is standard, and the second beyond. Given matrix transmission filters based on dielectric resonators, which describe the frequency characteristics of currents of polarization, ETC. Knowledge of the distribution of amplitudes and phases of currents of polarization allows to calculate the complex scattering matrix of the filter, the individual contributions of each of the OTHERS in the overall insertion loss of the microwave filter is an important practice for the assessment of the level of heat thermal transfer in the construction of filters increased power. Practical examples of calculation of insertion losses of DR in different types of microwave filters are given.
Microwave filters, dielectric resonators, the currents of polarization, microwave technology
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