BBK 20 Естественные науки в целом
1. http://www.motoman.coni motomedia manuals docs 156402-1CD-R2.pdf
2. Sozinova E.L., Koreckiy A.V. Kinematicheskiy analiz sovmestnoy raboty dvuh semizvennyh manipulyatorov Radioelektronika, elektrotehnika i energetika: Dvadcataya Mezhdunar. nauch.-tehn. konf. studentov i aspirantov (27-28 fevralya 2014. Moskva): Tezisy dokladov. V 4-h tt. T. 4. - M.: Izdatel'skiy dom MEI, 2014. - S. 239.
3. Gan Y., Dai X. Human-like Manipulation Planning for Articulated Manipulator Journal of Bionic Engineering. Vol. 9. N 4, 2012. - pp. 434-445.
4. Koreckiy A.V., Osadchenko N.V. Komp'yuternoe modelirovanie kinematiki mani-pulyacionnyh robotov. - M.: Izdatel'stvo MEI, 2000. - 48 s.
5. Biryukova E.V., Roby-Brami A., Frolov A.A., Mokhtari M. Kinemaics of human arm reconstructed from spatial tracking system recordings Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 33. № 8. 2000. - pp. 985-995.
6. Gear C.W., Leimkuhler V., Gupta G.K. Automatic integration of Euler-Lagrange equations with constraints . Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 12-13. № 5. 1985. - pp. 77-90.
7. Kirsanov M.N. Maple i Maplet. Resheniya zadach mehaniki. - SPb.: Lan', 2012. - 512 s.
8. http://