A simple technique for constructing 3D models of ground surface objects from a single space image is proposed. The method gives an estimation of the model from the reference object, for which the value of the height corresponding to the given segment on the image giving the altitude coefficient in the spatial neighborhood of the object is known, i.e. Scaling coefficient along the axis of the applicator. The altitude coefficient varies with time, i.e. From snapshot to snapshot, which allows to evaluate models of objects of different clarity, from low to high, using the space-time neighborhood of the reference object. With a distance from the standard, the altitude coefficient is continuously changing, which makes it possible to estimate the height of a distant object by "moving" the calculations through a chain of closer objects connecting the source and the final. Using an alternative "calculation by shadow" allows us to estimate the model when photographing the terrain in the nadir, i.e. In the absence of visibility of the side parts of the design object. In view of the availability of practical application of this methodology in the general education system, a number of project works of schoolchildren in the field of 3D modeling based on space images data.
Landfill, landfill, dump, 3D model, 3D modeling, hozzone, economic zone, building, rigid object, Sketch Up, height, scale factor, Google Earth, project work, school, education, student
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