Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2712-9640 (online)
Periodicity (English)



Russian science citation index:
Yes 7316
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Submission guidelines

Solar-Terrestrial Physics publishes original research, theoretical papers, and review articles that match the scope of the Journal and have not been published before. If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, authors must refer to the previous publication(s) in the manuscript itself so the reader can understand the novelty of new study in relation to the previous articles. Verbatim copying of his/her own works and their paraphrasing are not allowed — authors can use their previously published texts only as a basis for new conclusions. The journal policy allows the consideration of manuscripts not accepted for publication by another journal.

The submitted manuscript should contain no more than 15 000–50 000 words (including spaces). Figures and tables must be embedded within the main text or placed at the end of the manuscript (i.e. after the references). In addition, figures must be uploaded or sent to the email address solater@iszf.irk.ru as separate files. The best option is to give two variants of the manuscript: with inserted figures and tables and without them, with figures provided as a separate file upload. Please submit tables in an editable format, not as images

Manuscript structure

1. Title.
2. Author(s)' full name(s)
3. Affiliations and contact information.
4. Abstract.
5. Keywords.
6. Manuscript main text.
7. References.
8. Figure captions.  

Other Submission Files: Cover letter (file Cover_letter), Figures (if any) as separate files (Figure_N files), list of authors and their affiliations with email addresses (file Contacts). 

For more detail, see the PDF file "General guidelines"

 Example of an article

Recommendations for the Electronic Paper Version

When typing, use standard Windows True Type fonts; namely, Times New Roman, for text; Symbol, for Greek letters; Mathematical, for hand-written and Gothic characters. Standard font size is 12 points.

Do not use languages, ​​except for Russian and English. Do not confuse Cyrillic and Latin letters in a single word.

To highlight paragraphs, use a paragraph indent (standard is 1.25 cm), not several word spaces.

Do not use automatic hyphenation.

Enter key should be pressed only to go to the next paragraph, not to the next line.

Embed tables using MS Word (Insert - Table) or Excel. The tables typed manually (using a large number of spaces, without a cell structure) cannot be accepted.

Typing Guidelines

Period is not used after the article title, authors, addresses, titles and subtitles, table names, units of measurement (s - second, g - grams, min - minute, d - day) certain abbreviations and acronyms (yr - year, IQSY - International Quiet Sun Year, MP - melting point).

Period is used after the footnotes (including in tables), table notes, captions, abstracts, and abbreviation and acronym list (mos. - months, mln. - million). However, it is not put in subscripts (Tsun - solar temperature, Lsun - solar luminosity).


Separate mathematical formulas (embedded in a separate line) should be entirely typed in Math Type. The formulas typed in parts as a table, text, and inserted frame are not allowed.

For the formulas typed in Math Type, use common fonts, character sizes and placement. It is not allowed to manually change the individual characters or elements of formulas.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Certain abbreviations of multiple words are separated by spaces (760 mm Hg), except for the most commonly used (i.e.).

Use the following geographical abbreviations and acronyms: N (north latitude), E (east longitude); SW (southwest).

Abbreviations or formulas of chemical compounds that are used as adjectives are not usually hyphenated: IR spectroscopy, ULF waves, PE film, LCD state, Na+ form, OH group.

Units of Measurement

The units of measurement are separated from the figures by a space (100 kPa, 77 K, 10.34 A). Exceptions are degrees (90°, 20°C), percent and permille: 50%, 10‰. Fractional units of measurement are spelled in different ways: 58 J·mol−1, 50 m/s2.

If complex units of measurement, it is allowed to use negative degrees (J mol-1·K-1) and parentheses {J/(mol·K) or J·(mol·K)-1}, if it helps to read them. The main issue is the consistency of writing the same units of measurement.

In listing, as well as in numerical ranges, units of measurement are indicated only for the latter (18-20 J/mol), except for angular degrees.

The degrees Celsius are typed as follows: 5°C, NOT 5°. Angular degrees should not be omitted: 5°-10°, NOT 5-10°.

Word Spacing

References to figures and tables are typed with spaces (see Fig. 1, Table 2, NOT Fig.1, Table2).

Quotation marks and parentheses are not separated by spaces from the text to be quoted:

(at 300 K), (a); NOT ( at 300 K ) ( a ).

The number and paragraph signs and their number are spaced: (No. 1; § 5.65).

Numbers and letters in titles and complex numbers are typed without spaces: (IVd; 1.3.14a; Fig. 1e).

In geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude are separated by spaces: 56.5° N; 85.0° E, NOT 56.5°N; 85.0°E.

The Editorial Board of the Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics keeps up the ethical standards adopted by the International Scientific Community. In their activities, the editors rely on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Duties of the Editorial Board

Manuscript Evaluation

All submitted manuscripts must contain new nontrivial scientific results not previously published elsewhere.

The Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics adopts a double-blind peer review process; peer reviewers make reasoned critical comments on the level and clarity of the presented material, its relevance to the scope of the Journal, originality and veracity of results. Peer reviewers' recommendations form the basis for the final decision on publication of the manuscript.

The Editorial Board is ultimately responsible for the decision on publication.

The Editorial Board takes a decision on publication in accordance with the Journal's policy and the current Copyright Law.

The Editorial Board evaluates manuscripts by focusing solely on their scientific content regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, and political opinions of the authors.

A manuscript, if accepted for publication, is published in the Journal; all rights are reserved by the authors.


The editors, all members of the Editorial Board and Publishing House must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept confidential and may not be legally disclosed to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and other editorial advisers.

The editors may not legally use the unpublished material contained in the manuscript for their own research without written consent from the author.

Conflict of Interest and Resolution of Ethical Conflicts

If a conflict of interest arises from competitive relations, collaboration, or other relationships and connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions related to the submitted manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript for consideration to another member of the Editorial Board.

The editors should require all participants to declare existing competing interests. If a conflict of interest comes to light after publication, the Editorial Board must publish corrections.

If an ethics complaint about a submitted manuscript or a published paper is filed, the Editor-in-Chief must take reasonable response measures in cooperation with the Publisher (or society). Each report about unethical behavior is considered, even if it comes years after the publication of the article. If a complaint is supported, corresponding corrections, denials, or apologies are published.


Contribution to Editorial Decision

Expert evaluation assists the editor in making editorial decisions, and cooperation between the editor and an author may help the author to improve his/her manuscript.


Any reviewer who feels unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should contact the Editor-in-Chief so as to excuse himself/herself from the peer review process.


Any manuscripts received for peer review should be treated with strict confidentiality. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except when authorized by the Editor-in-Chief.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly, with supporting arguments.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by authors. Any statements, conclusions, or arguments that have been used previously in other publications should be appropriately cited or quoted. Any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper should be reported to the Editor-in-Chief.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished material contained in submitted manuscripts must not be used by the reviewer for personal research without the express prior written consent from the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through the peer review process must be kept confidential and must not be used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider and evaluate the manuscripts in which they have a personal interest.


Reporting Standards

The authors of manuscripts should present an accurate account of the work carried out as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the manuscript. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable

Originality and Plagiarism

The contributors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. If the authors use text or graphic information obtained from works of others, they should appropriately cite or quote it or have the express written consent from the author.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Authors should guarantee that their works are original. If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, authors must refer to the previous publication(s) in the manuscript itself and show a significant difference between the new work and the previous one. Verbatim copying of his/her own works and their paraphrasing are not allowed — authors can use their previously published texts only as a basis for new conclusions. The Journal's policy allows the consideration of manuscripts not accepted for publication by another journal or full papers expanding on previously published preliminary results, i.e. abstracts or posters presented at conferences.

Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work. Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author should give due acknowledgement to all those who have substantially contributed to the research.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are listed in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

All authors should disclose in their manuscripts any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works

If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her published work, he/she should promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher of the Journal and assist them in eliminating or correcting the errors. If the Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher is notified by a third party that a published paper contains significant errors, the author should promptly remove or correct them, or prove correctness of the original paper.

Useful links for Authors and Publishers:

Ethics in Research and Publications (Elsevier)

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide for Journal Editors COPE

Publication Process

Application Submission

The application for publication in the Journal can be submitted through the portal Naukaru.ru. Authors should register on the website Naukaru.ru and fill their personal profiles. Please provide names of three potential reviewers, indicating their email and occupation, in Author Comment Form. Also state your full name and email there.

The application should comply with the paper submission guidelines published on the Journal's web page at https://naukaru.ru/en/nauka/journal/48/view#about-journal.

In case of any problems, please contact the Editorial Board via e-mail solater@iszf.irk.ru.

Initial Review

The editor will perform an initial review of the submitted manuscript to ensure that it fits the Journal's criteria. If the manuscript is not within the remit of the Journal, it will be rejected. The editor will notify the author about this, stating reasons for the refusal.

If the paper is inconsistent with the formatting guidelines, it will be returned to the author for revision.

The paper which meets the requirements and falls within the remit of the Journal will be sent for review.

Peer Review

All papers submitted for publication in Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Journal) are reviewed by leading Russian and international experts. All reviewers are recognized experts in peer-reviewed journals and have had publications of peer-reviewed articles within the last 3 years. Peer review is anonymous.

In accordance with the results of peer review, a submitted paper can be rejected and sent to the author for revision, or can be accepted for publication.

Peer reviewer should:

  • critically analyze the content of the paper to determine whether or not the paper merits publication;
  • point out errors in methodology and instrumentation (if any);
  • suggest how the author should revise the paper.

After receiving a review with comments or suggestion about how to revise the paper, the editor will send it to the author to correct the mistakes found in the manuscript. After receiving the author's response, the paper will be sent to another review; and the reviewer will recommend this manuscript for publication or rejection. If the author disagrees with the opinion of one of the reviewer, the paper will be sent to the third reviewer. If the author disagrees with the opinion of two reviewers and does not make corrections suggested by the reviewers, the paper will be rejected.

The submitted paper is also rejected if there are two negative reviews. In this case, the editor sends a notification email signed by the Executive Secretary of the Journal.

With two positive reviews, the submitted paper is approved for publication. The Executive Secretary of the Journal sends a corresponding notification email to the author.

The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication of the manuscript and approves the content of the Journal.

Pear review and approval process for publication of papers take from 30 to 60 days. The Editorial Board can make a decision about unscheduled publication of a paper in view of its relevance.

Preparation of a paper for publication made by the Editorial Board consists in standard proofreading and copyediting. All corrections made in a paper are agreed upon by the author.

Reviews are kept in the Publishing House and Editorial Board for five years; copies of the reviews are available on request from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science.

Publishing Agreement

After a paper has been accepted for publication, the author concludes an agreement with the Publishing House. The author should provide necessary data, print the agreement, sign it, and send it to the Publishing House.


After publication of a Journal issue, the Editor-in-Chief assigns a DOI number to each paper and gives information about it to the Russian Scientific Information Center and the bibliographic database AstrophysicsDataSystem.

Each author receives a notification email about publication of their papers, with output data (Journal title, year, number, pages, and DOI). The PDF version of the article is attached.

To have a printed version of your paper, you can subscribe to the Journal or buy a separate issue, sending a request to the Publishing House: Subscription service, Limited Liability Company "Scientific Publishing Centre INFRA-M" 31B, Polyarnaya St., Build 1, Moscow, 127282, Russia.

List of additional material

The following material should be provided with submitted manuscripts:

  • Illustrative material (if any) in tif, jpg, bmp, png formats with resolution being not less than 300 dpi;
  • Scientific supervisor's comment on the paper (for postgraduates and students).

All files have to be archived; and the archive should be downloaded when you submit an application to Naukaru.ru. The total file size should not be more than 50 Mb

Other conditions of publication

The Editorial Board reserves the right to select according to themes and edit all submitted material. The authors' opinions stated in their papers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board.

Authors are responsible for the content of their papers, their publication, as well as for damage to third parties if it turns out that the papers have violated someone else's rights or generally accepted standards of research ethics (see Publication Ethics Guidelines).

Submitted papers undergo mandatory peer reviews.

If a manuscript is written not in accordance with these rules, it can be returned to the author for revision before peer review.

The paper can be rejected if

  • the author has refused to revise the paper as per the comments made by the Editorial Board and reviewers;
  • the author has not responded to reviewers' comments on time;
  • there are two negative reviews of the paper;
  • the paper contains over 20% plagiarized text.

The final decision on publication of papers is made by the Editorial Board.

All manuscripts accepted for publication in the Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics are reviewed by leading Russian and foreign experts. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed material and have publications in this field over the past three years. The peer review process is anonymous.

Each manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers. Some reviews can be positive, with comments and/or suggestions, or negative. After being reviewed, some articles may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication.

A peer review should

  • evaluate a manuscript and the possibility of its publication in the Journal;
  • list errors in methodology and instrumentation (if any);
  • suggest how to revise the manuscript.

If two peer reviews are negative, the manuscript is rejected and the author receives a notification email signed by the Executive Secretary of the Journal.

If a peer review contains comments or requirements for revision, it is sent to the author to eliminate the shortcomings, identified in the manuscript, for a month. If the author does not agree with some comments, he or she should give a reasoned response to them. After receiving the author's response, we send the manuscript for re-review, and a reviewer gives the recommendation on its publication or rejection.

When only one of two peer reviews is negative and the author does not agree with it, the manuscript is sent to the third reviewer. If the author does not agree with the opinion of two peer reviewers and does not make corrections according to constructive comments from peer reviewers in due time, the article is rejected.

If two peer reviews are positive, without any comments, we put the article into the portfolio for further publication. The Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board notifies the author of acceptance of the article for publication.

The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication of an article and approves the content of an issue.

The peer review and decision-making process takes an average of 30 to 90 days; then articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial Board may decide on unscheduled publication of an article due to its relevance and importance.

Preparation of a manuscript for publication consists in standard proofreading and copyediting. All corrections made to the manuscript are agreed upon with the authors.

Peer reviews are stored in the Publishing House and in the Editorial Board of the Journal for five years; their copies are available on request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Removing an already published article from a journal (retraction) is a mechanism for correcting published information and warning readers that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. The retraction is also used to warn readers about duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, and non-disclosure of conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations on its use.

The data uncertainty and duplication may result from both wrong belief, unintentional error, and deliberate deception.

Grounds for retraction of an already published article

- detection of unattributed borrowing (plagiarism, self-plagiarism);
- duplication of the article in another journal;
- detection of falsification, fabrication (e.g., fabrication of experimental data) or serious errors, which cast doubt on the scientific value of the article;
- incorrect composition of the authors' team (the co-author who is worthy to be included is absent; among co-authors are those who do not meet the criteria for authorship);
- hidden conflict of interest;
- republishing the article without the author's consent;
- other violations of ethical principles of the journal.
If the author/authors find it necessary to retract the paper, they turn to the Editorial Board, explaining the reason for the decision.

Actions taken by the Editorial Board

If the Editorial Board decides to retract an article on the basis of expertise or received information, the editor must inform the author/authors of the article.

The decision to retract an article from publication is taken by the Editorial Board entering it in the minutes. Authors may not agree with the position of the Editorial Board, but this does not negate the editors' right to conduct the procedure. This decision is announced to:
- NEL (elibrary.ru) (when receiving a retraction request, the information about the article and its full text remain on elibrary.ru, but is supplemented by information on retraction. Retracted articles and their references are excluded from RSCI and databases);
- Board for Ethics of Scientific Publications (put information into the single database of retracted articles);
- in some cases, the retraction information is made available to HAC.

Retraction results are reflected in the online journal with the indication in the title of the publication that this article is retracted, by giving reasons for the retraction listed under the abstract and indicating who initiated the retraction.

The retracted publication is not removed from the online journal. It remains on the journal website as part of the corresponding issue. In this case, the online version of the text is overwritten as RETRACTED with date of retraction; the same mark is put in the table of contents of the issue.

The Editorial Board along with the decision to retract the article may decide to set a veto on the acceptance of articles by the author/authors of the retracted paper for a certain period of time or indefinitely.

This document has been prepared on the basis of "Rules for Retraction of an Article from Publication" developed by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers. 

Zherebtsov Geliy  — Editor-in-Chief
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Stepanov Aleksandr  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
The Central Astronomical Observatory RAS at Pulkovo (Scientific director)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Potapov Alexander  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Abramenko Valentina  — Editorial Board Member
Crimean astrophysical observatory
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
p. Nauchny, Russian Federation
Altyntsev Alexander  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Afanasiev Nikolay  — Editorial Board Member
Irkutsk State University
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Blagoveshchenskaya Nataly  — Editorial Board Member
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Bogachev Sergey  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute of RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Valyavin Gennady  — Editorial Board Member
Special Astrophysical Observatory
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russian Federation
Grigoryev Victor  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Guglielmi Anatol  — Editorial Board Member
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Demidov Mikhail  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Deminov Marat  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Yermolaev Yuri  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Zelenyi Lev  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute of RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kulichkov Sergey  — Editorial Board Member
A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Mareev Evgeniy  — Editorial Board Member
Federal Research Center The Institute of Applied Physics RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation
Medvedev Andrey  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Mingalev Igor  — Editorial Board Member
Polar Geophysical Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Apatity, Russian Federation
Obridko Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Perevalova Natalia  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Ptashnik Igor  — Editorial Board Member
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Tomsk, Russian Federation
Salahutdinova Irina  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Safargaleev Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS, St. Petersburg Department
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Starodubtsev Sergei  — Editorial Board Member
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS
Yakutsk, Russian Federation
Stozhkov Yuriy  — Editorial Board Member
Lebedev Physical Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Tashchilin Anatoliy  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Testoedov Nikolay  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Space Technologies KSC SB RAS
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Uralov Arkadiy  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Loginov Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
doctor of geographical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
Lester Mark  — Editorial Board Member
University of Leicester
Lester, United Kingdom
Yihua Yan  — Editorial Board Member
Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Pekin, China
Pancheva Dora  — Editorial Board Member
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography
Sofiya, Bulgaria
Polyushkina Natalia  — Executive Secretary of Editorial Board
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Registration address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Siberian Branch of RAS
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 79288

The Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics publishes peer reviewed scientific articles on various aspects of solar-terrestrial relationships:

  • physics of active processes on the Sun such as prominences, solar flares, coronal holes, coronal mass ejections, and other potentially geoeffective phenomena;
  • formation of the solar wind, the Sun's magnetic field carried out by the solar wind from the photosphere, formation of the spiral structure of interplanetary magnetic field, wave propagation and disturbances in the solar wind, their evolution when moving from the Sun to the Earth orbit, effect of the interplanetary magnetic field on motion of energetic charged particles (cosmic rays);
  •  interaction of the solar wind with Earth's magnetosphere, energy, momentum, and mass transfer through the magnetopause, distribution of incoming energy in the magnetosphere, processes in radiation belts, formation of ring current, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, generation and propagation of waves in a wide frequency range;
  • geomagnetic disturbances - magnetospheric substorms and storms as a response to the impact of solar disturbances on near-Earth space, reconnection processes at the magnetopause and in the geomagnetic tail, energy storage and release, particle acceleration and precipitation;
  • processes in the upper atmosphere and in the ionosphere driven by the effect of the solar wind and solar radiation, ionosphere-atmosphere-lithosphere coupling;
  • space weather, its monitoring and forecast, dependence of radio wave propagation conditions on conditions in near-Earth space, analysis of effects of various space weather phenomena (magnetic disturbances, increased background radiation , auroral precipitation, etc.) on operation and performance of advanced orbital and ground-based instruments;
  • solar-climate relations, connection between solar cycles and Earth's climate cycles of different time scales.

The Journal covers the following areas of research:

01.00.00 Physical and mathematical sciences including:

— 01.03.00 Astronomy;
— 01.04.03 Radiophysics.

25.00.00 Earth sciences, in particular:

— 25.00.10 Geophysics, geophysical methods for mineral exploration;
— 25.00.29 Atmosphere and hydrosphere physics.

Solar-Terrestrial Physics is in the renewed list of the Higher Attestation Commission (list of peer reviewed scientific journals that publish the main scientific results of doctoral and Ph.D. theses) as a publication included in international index and abstract databases.

Article submission and processing are free of charge.

The Journal comes out four times a year.

Submission guidelines

Solar-Terrestrial Physics publishes original research, theoretical papers, and review articles that match the scope of the Journal and have not been published before. If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, authors must refer to the previous publication(s) in the manuscript itself so the reader can understand the novelty of new study in relation to the previous articles. Verbatim copying of his/her own works and their paraphrasing are not allowed — authors can use their previously published texts only as a basis for new conclusions. The journal policy allows the consideration of manuscripts not accepted for publication by another journal.

The submitted manuscript should contain no more than 15 000–50 000 words (including spaces). Figures and tables must be embedded within the main text or placed at the end of the manuscript (i.e. after the references). In addition, figures must be uploaded or sent to the email address solater@iszf.irk.ru as separate files. The best option is to give two variants of the manuscript: with inserted figures and tables and without them, with figures provided as a separate file upload. Please submit tables in an editable format, not as images

Manuscript structure

1. Title.
2. Author(s)' full name(s)
3. Affiliations and contact information.
4. Abstract.
5. Keywords.
6. Manuscript main text.
7. References.
8. Figure captions.  

Other Submission Files: Cover letter (file Cover_letter), Figures (if any) as separate files (Figure_N files), list of authors and their affiliations with email addresses (file Contacts). 

For more detail, see the PDF file "General guidelines"

 Example of an article

Recommendations for the Electronic Paper Version

When typing, use standard Windows True Type fonts; namely, Times New Roman, for text; Symbol, for Greek letters; Mathematical, for hand-written and Gothic characters. Standard font size is 12 points.

Do not use languages, ​​except for Russian and English. Do not confuse Cyrillic and Latin letters in a single word.

To highlight paragraphs, use a paragraph indent (standard is 1.25 cm), not several word spaces.

Do not use automatic hyphenation.

Enter key should be pressed only to go to the next paragraph, not to the next line.

Embed tables using MS Word (Insert - Table) or Excel. The tables typed manually (using a large number of spaces, without a cell structure) cannot be accepted.

Typing Guidelines

Period is not used after the article title, authors, addresses, titles and subtitles, table names, units of measurement (s - second, g - grams, min - minute, d - day) certain abbreviations and acronyms (yr - year, IQSY - International Quiet Sun Year, MP - melting point).

Period is used after the footnotes (including in tables), table notes, captions, abstracts, and abbreviation and acronym list (mos. - months, mln. - million). However, it is not put in subscripts (Tsun - solar temperature, Lsun - solar luminosity).


Separate mathematical formulas (embedded in a separate line) should be entirely typed in Math Type. The formulas typed in parts as a table, text, and inserted frame are not allowed.

For the formulas typed in Math Type, use common fonts, character sizes and placement. It is not allowed to manually change the individual characters or elements of formulas.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Certain abbreviations of multiple words are separated by spaces (760 mm Hg), except for the most commonly used (i.e.).

Use the following geographical abbreviations and acronyms: N (north latitude), E (east longitude); SW (southwest).

Abbreviations or formulas of chemical compounds that are used as adjectives are not usually hyphenated: IR spectroscopy, ULF waves, PE film, LCD state, Na+ form, OH group.

Units of Measurement

The units of measurement are separated from the figures by a space (100 kPa, 77 K, 10.34 A). Exceptions are degrees (90°, 20°C), percent and permille: 50%, 10‰. Fractional units of measurement are spelled in different ways: 58 J·mol−1, 50 m/s2.

If complex units of measurement, it is allowed to use negative degrees (J mol-1·K-1) and parentheses {J/(mol·K) or J·(mol·K)-1}, if it helps to read them. The main issue is the consistency of writing the same units of measurement.

In listing, as well as in numerical ranges, units of measurement are indicated only for the latter (18-20 J/mol), except for angular degrees.

The degrees Celsius are typed as follows: 5°C, NOT 5°. Angular degrees should not be omitted: 5°-10°, NOT 5-10°.

Word Spacing

References to figures and tables are typed with spaces (see Fig. 1, Table 2, NOT Fig.1, Table2).

Quotation marks and parentheses are not separated by spaces from the text to be quoted:

(at 300 K), (a); NOT ( at 300 K ) ( a ).

The number and paragraph signs and their number are spaced: (No. 1; § 5.65).

Numbers and letters in titles and complex numbers are typed without spaces: (IVd; 1.3.14a; Fig. 1e).

In geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude are separated by spaces: 56.5° N; 85.0° E, NOT 56.5°N; 85.0°E.

The Editorial Board of the Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics keeps up the ethical standards adopted by the International Scientific Community. In their activities, the editors rely on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Duties of the Editorial Board

Manuscript Evaluation

All submitted manuscripts must contain new nontrivial scientific results not previously published elsewhere.

The Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics adopts a double-blind peer review process; peer reviewers make reasoned critical comments on the level and clarity of the presented material, its relevance to the scope of the Journal, originality and veracity of results. Peer reviewers' recommendations form the basis for the final decision on publication of the manuscript.

The Editorial Board is ultimately responsible for the decision on publication.

The Editorial Board takes a decision on publication in accordance with the Journal's policy and the current Copyright Law.

The Editorial Board evaluates manuscripts by focusing solely on their scientific content regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, and political opinions of the authors.

A manuscript, if accepted for publication, is published in the Journal; all rights are reserved by the authors.


The editors, all members of the Editorial Board and Publishing House must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept confidential and may not be legally disclosed to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and other editorial advisers.

The editors may not legally use the unpublished material contained in the manuscript for their own research without written consent from the author.

Conflict of Interest and Resolution of Ethical Conflicts

If a conflict of interest arises from competitive relations, collaboration, or other relationships and connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions related to the submitted manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript for consideration to another member of the Editorial Board.

The editors should require all participants to declare existing competing interests. If a conflict of interest comes to light after publication, the Editorial Board must publish corrections.

If an ethics complaint about a submitted manuscript or a published paper is filed, the Editor-in-Chief must take reasonable response measures in cooperation with the Publisher (or society). Each report about unethical behavior is considered, even if it comes years after the publication of the article. If a complaint is supported, corresponding corrections, denials, or apologies are published.


Contribution to Editorial Decision

Expert evaluation assists the editor in making editorial decisions, and cooperation between the editor and an author may help the author to improve his/her manuscript.


Any reviewer who feels unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should contact the Editor-in-Chief so as to excuse himself/herself from the peer review process.


Any manuscripts received for peer review should be treated with strict confidentiality. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except when authorized by the Editor-in-Chief.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly, with supporting arguments.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by authors. Any statements, conclusions, or arguments that have been used previously in other publications should be appropriately cited or quoted. Any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper should be reported to the Editor-in-Chief.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished material contained in submitted manuscripts must not be used by the reviewer for personal research without the express prior written consent from the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through the peer review process must be kept confidential and must not be used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider and evaluate the manuscripts in which they have a personal interest.


Reporting Standards

The authors of manuscripts should present an accurate account of the work carried out as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the manuscript. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable

Originality and Plagiarism

The contributors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. If the authors use text or graphic information obtained from works of others, they should appropriately cite or quote it or have the express written consent from the author.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Authors should guarantee that their works are original. If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, authors must refer to the previous publication(s) in the manuscript itself and show a significant difference between the new work and the previous one. Verbatim copying of his/her own works and their paraphrasing are not allowed — authors can use their previously published texts only as a basis for new conclusions. The Journal's policy allows the consideration of manuscripts not accepted for publication by another journal or full papers expanding on previously published preliminary results, i.e. abstracts or posters presented at conferences.

Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work. Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author should give due acknowledgement to all those who have substantially contributed to the research.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are listed in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

All authors should disclose in their manuscripts any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works

If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her published work, he/she should promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher of the Journal and assist them in eliminating or correcting the errors. If the Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher is notified by a third party that a published paper contains significant errors, the author should promptly remove or correct them, or prove correctness of the original paper.

Useful links for Authors and Publishers:

Ethics in Research and Publications (Elsevier)

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide for Journal Editors COPE

Publication Process

Application Submission

The application for publication in the Journal can be submitted through the portal Naukaru.ru. Authors should register on the website Naukaru.ru and fill their personal profiles. Please provide names of three potential reviewers, indicating their email and occupation, in Author Comment Form. Also state your full name and email there.

The application should comply with the paper submission guidelines published on the Journal's web page at https://naukaru.ru/en/nauka/journal/48/view#about-journal.

In case of any problems, please contact the Editorial Board via e-mail solater@iszf.irk.ru.

Initial Review

The editor will perform an initial review of the submitted manuscript to ensure that it fits the Journal's criteria. If the manuscript is not within the remit of the Journal, it will be rejected. The editor will notify the author about this, stating reasons for the refusal.

If the paper is inconsistent with the formatting guidelines, it will be returned to the author for revision.

The paper which meets the requirements and falls within the remit of the Journal will be sent for review.

Peer Review

All papers submitted for publication in Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Journal) are reviewed by leading Russian and international experts. All reviewers are recognized experts in peer-reviewed journals and have had publications of peer-reviewed articles within the last 3 years. Peer review is anonymous.

In accordance with the results of peer review, a submitted paper can be rejected and sent to the author for revision, or can be accepted for publication.

Peer reviewer should:

  • critically analyze the content of the paper to determine whether or not the paper merits publication;
  • point out errors in methodology and instrumentation (if any);
  • suggest how the author should revise the paper.

After receiving a review with comments or suggestion about how to revise the paper, the editor will send it to the author to correct the mistakes found in the manuscript. After receiving the author's response, the paper will be sent to another review; and the reviewer will recommend this manuscript for publication or rejection. If the author disagrees with the opinion of one of the reviewer, the paper will be sent to the third reviewer. If the author disagrees with the opinion of two reviewers and does not make corrections suggested by the reviewers, the paper will be rejected.

The submitted paper is also rejected if there are two negative reviews. In this case, the editor sends a notification email signed by the Executive Secretary of the Journal.

With two positive reviews, the submitted paper is approved for publication. The Executive Secretary of the Journal sends a corresponding notification email to the author.

The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication of the manuscript and approves the content of the Journal.

Pear review and approval process for publication of papers take from 30 to 60 days. The Editorial Board can make a decision about unscheduled publication of a paper in view of its relevance.

Preparation of a paper for publication made by the Editorial Board consists in standard proofreading and copyediting. All corrections made in a paper are agreed upon by the author.

Reviews are kept in the Publishing House and Editorial Board for five years; copies of the reviews are available on request from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science.

Publishing Agreement

After a paper has been accepted for publication, the author concludes an agreement with the Publishing House. The author should provide necessary data, print the agreement, sign it, and send it to the Publishing House.


After publication of a Journal issue, the Editor-in-Chief assigns a DOI number to each paper and gives information about it to the Russian Scientific Information Center and the bibliographic database AstrophysicsDataSystem.

Each author receives a notification email about publication of their papers, with output data (Journal title, year, number, pages, and DOI). The PDF version of the article is attached.

To have a printed version of your paper, you can subscribe to the Journal or buy a separate issue, sending a request to the Publishing House: Subscription service, Limited Liability Company "Scientific Publishing Centre INFRA-M" 31B, Polyarnaya St., Build 1, Moscow, 127282, Russia.

List of additional material

The following material should be provided with submitted manuscripts:

  • Illustrative material (if any) in tif, jpg, bmp, png formats with resolution being not less than 300 dpi;
  • Scientific supervisor's comment on the paper (for postgraduates and students).

All files have to be archived; and the archive should be downloaded when you submit an application to Naukaru.ru. The total file size should not be more than 50 Mb

Other conditions of publication

The Editorial Board reserves the right to select according to themes and edit all submitted material. The authors' opinions stated in their papers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board.

Authors are responsible for the content of their papers, their publication, as well as for damage to third parties if it turns out that the papers have violated someone else's rights or generally accepted standards of research ethics (see Publication Ethics Guidelines).

Submitted papers undergo mandatory peer reviews.

If a manuscript is written not in accordance with these rules, it can be returned to the author for revision before peer review.

The paper can be rejected if

  • the author has refused to revise the paper as per the comments made by the Editorial Board and reviewers;
  • the author has not responded to reviewers' comments on time;
  • there are two negative reviews of the paper;
  • the paper contains over 20% plagiarized text.

The final decision on publication of papers is made by the Editorial Board.

All manuscripts accepted for publication in the Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics are reviewed by leading Russian and foreign experts. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed material and have publications in this field over the past three years. The peer review process is anonymous.

Each manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers. Some reviews can be positive, with comments and/or suggestions, or negative. After being reviewed, some articles may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication.

A peer review should

  • evaluate a manuscript and the possibility of its publication in the Journal;
  • list errors in methodology and instrumentation (if any);
  • suggest how to revise the manuscript.

If two peer reviews are negative, the manuscript is rejected and the author receives a notification email signed by the Executive Secretary of the Journal.

If a peer review contains comments or requirements for revision, it is sent to the author to eliminate the shortcomings, identified in the manuscript, for a month. If the author does not agree with some comments, he or she should give a reasoned response to them. After receiving the author's response, we send the manuscript for re-review, and a reviewer gives the recommendation on its publication or rejection.

When only one of two peer reviews is negative and the author does not agree with it, the manuscript is sent to the third reviewer. If the author does not agree with the opinion of two peer reviewers and does not make corrections according to constructive comments from peer reviewers in due time, the article is rejected.

If two peer reviews are positive, without any comments, we put the article into the portfolio for further publication. The Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board notifies the author of acceptance of the article for publication.

The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication of an article and approves the content of an issue.

The peer review and decision-making process takes an average of 30 to 90 days; then articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial Board may decide on unscheduled publication of an article due to its relevance and importance.

Preparation of a manuscript for publication consists in standard proofreading and copyediting. All corrections made to the manuscript are agreed upon with the authors.

Peer reviews are stored in the Publishing House and in the Editorial Board of the Journal for five years; their copies are available on request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Removing an already published article from a journal (retraction) is a mechanism for correcting published information and warning readers that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. The retraction is also used to warn readers about duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, and non-disclosure of conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations on its use.

The data uncertainty and duplication may result from both wrong belief, unintentional error, and deliberate deception.

Grounds for retraction of an already published article

- detection of unattributed borrowing (plagiarism, self-plagiarism);
- duplication of the article in another journal;
- detection of falsification, fabrication (e.g., fabrication of experimental data) or serious errors, which cast doubt on the scientific value of the article;
- incorrect composition of the authors' team (the co-author who is worthy to be included is absent; among co-authors are those who do not meet the criteria for authorship);
- hidden conflict of interest;
- republishing the article without the author's consent;
- other violations of ethical principles of the journal.
If the author/authors find it necessary to retract the paper, they turn to the Editorial Board, explaining the reason for the decision.

Actions taken by the Editorial Board

If the Editorial Board decides to retract an article on the basis of expertise or received information, the editor must inform the author/authors of the article.

The decision to retract an article from publication is taken by the Editorial Board entering it in the minutes. Authors may not agree with the position of the Editorial Board, but this does not negate the editors' right to conduct the procedure. This decision is announced to:
- NEL (elibrary.ru) (when receiving a retraction request, the information about the article and its full text remain on elibrary.ru, but is supplemented by information on retraction. Retracted articles and their references are excluded from RSCI and databases);
- Board for Ethics of Scientific Publications (put information into the single database of retracted articles);
- in some cases, the retraction information is made available to HAC.

Retraction results are reflected in the online journal with the indication in the title of the publication that this article is retracted, by giving reasons for the retraction listed under the abstract and indicating who initiated the retraction.

The retracted publication is not removed from the online journal. It remains on the journal website as part of the corresponding issue. In this case, the online version of the text is overwritten as RETRACTED with date of retraction; the same mark is put in the table of contents of the issue.

The Editorial Board along with the decision to retract the article may decide to set a veto on the acceptance of articles by the author/authors of the retracted paper for a certain period of time or indefinitely.

This document has been prepared on the basis of "Rules for Retraction of an Article from Publication" developed by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers. 



                        Kozlov Stanislav
Kozlov Stanislav Scientific Research Center Kosmos, Ministry of Defence
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kozyreva Olga
Kozyreva Olga Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kolesnik Sergey
Kolesnik Sergey Tomsk State University

                        Kolobov Vitaliy
Kolobov Vitaliy Northern Energetics Research Centre KSC RAS
from 01.01.1999 to 01.01.2023 candidate of technical sciences from 01.01.2008 until now

SPIN: 180364 ORCID:0000-0002-7541-3219
                        Kolobov Dmitriy
Kolobov Dmitriy Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kolotkov Dmitrii
Kolotkov Dmitrii University of Warwick

                        Kolpak Valeria
Kolpak Valeria Space Research Institute of RAS

                        Koltovskoi Igor
Koltovskoi Igor Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS

                        Komarova Evgeniya
Komarova Evgeniya Irkutsk State University

                        Korenkov Yuriy
Korenkov Yuriy WD IZMIRAN
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Korenkova Nina
Korenkova Nina West Department of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS

                        Korobtsev Ivan
Korobtsev Ivan Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

                        Korsakov Aleksey
Korsakov Aleksey Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS

                        Korsunskaja Julia
Korsunskaja Julia Institute of Geospheres Dynamics, RAS (s.n.s)

                        Kosolapova Natalia
Kosolapova Natalia Nizhegorodskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. K. Minina

                        Kostarev Danila
Kostarev Danila Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

                        Kotik Dmitriy
Kotik Dmitriy Radiophysical Research Institute
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kotova Galina
Kotova Galina Space Research Institute RAS
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kotova Daria
Kotova Daria WD IZMIRAN
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Kotovich Galina
Kotovich Galina Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Zherebtsov Geliy  — Editor-in-Chief
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Stepanov Aleksandr  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
The Central Astronomical Observatory RAS at Pulkovo (Scientific director)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Potapov Alexander  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Abramenko Valentina  — Editorial Board Member
Crimean astrophysical observatory
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

p. Nauchny, Russian Federation
Altyntsev Alexander  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Afanasiev Nikolay  — Editorial Board Member
Irkutsk State University
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Blagoveshchenskaya Nataly  — Editorial Board Member
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Bogachev Sergey  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute of RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Valyavin Gennady  — Editorial Board Member
Special Astrophysical Observatory
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russian Federation
Grigoryev Victor  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Guglielmi Anatol  — Editorial Board Member
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Demidov Mikhail  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Deminov Marat  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Yermolaev Yuri  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Zelenyi Lev  — Editorial Board Member
Space Research Institute of RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kulichkov Sergey  — Editorial Board Member
A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Mareev Evgeniy  — Editorial Board Member
Federal Research Center The Institute of Applied Physics RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation
Medvedev Andrey  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Mingalev Igor  — Editorial Board Member
Polar Geophysical Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Apatity, Russian Federation
Obridko Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Perevalova Natalia  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Ptashnik Igor  — Editorial Board Member
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Tomsk, Russian Federation
Salahutdinova Irina  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Safargaleev Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS, St. Petersburg Department
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Starodubtsev Sergei  — Editorial Board Member
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS

Yakutsk, Russian Federation
Stozhkov Yuriy  — Editorial Board Member
Lebedev Physical Institute RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Tashchilin Anatoliy  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Testoedov Nikolay  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Space Technologies KSC SB RAS

academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Uralov Arkadiy  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Loginov Vladimir  — Editorial Board Member
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
doctor of geographical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
Lester Mark  — Editorial Board Member
University of Leicester

Lester, United Kingdom
Yihua Yan  — Editorial Board Member
Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Pekin, China
Pancheva Dora  — Editorial Board Member
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography

Sofiya, Bulgaria
Polyushkina Natalia  — Executive Secretary of Editorial Board
Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

Irkutsk, Russian Federation


Code 52
Name Астрономия. Астрофизика. Исследование космического пространства. Геодезия
Code 55
Name Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки


Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika (Solar-Terrestrial Physics) is a scientific journal published quarterly that is dedicated to publication of original work in basic and applied research in solar physics, physics of the interplanetary medium, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere. Its aim is to describe the interaction of the interplanetary medium, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere with the Sun as a driver of physical processes occurring there. The Journal contains papers on new results of theoretical and experimental investigations, methods and experimental techniques in solar-terrestrial physics, reviews on specific issues. It is designed for scientists, experts in solar-terrestrial relationships and radio-physical methods of space environment research, teachers, and students.

Abstracting and indexing:
WoS (ESCI), ScopusNASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), CrossRef, Russian Science Citation Index, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrich's), DOAJ

ISSN 2712-9640 / Periodicity: Four issues per year / Each paper is assigned DOI / Anonymous peer review / Free of charge / Open access on the Publisher’s website / URL: https://naukaru.ru/ru/nauka/journal/48/view

Founders of the Journal: The FSBIS Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences

The English version of the Journal is the Journal of Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

Since 2021, the Journal is online only. Media outlet’s registration certificate: EL No. FS 77 – 79288 issued October 2, 2020 by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

Contact us:
664033, Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Lermontov Str., 126a;
Tel. +7 (3952) 56-45-87
E-mail: solater@iszf.irk.ru

URL: https://naukaru.ru/ru/nauka/journal/48/view

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