Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the focus of value-motivational positions and attitudes of students of Ural technical universities in training and subsequent employment. The authors set the problem of the need for compliance with regional educational policy with needs of society. The article is based on materials of large-scale research projects «Ural 2012», «Ural — 2014». The documents of opinion polls show the eff ect of socio-economic transformation of the understanding of the value of engineering education, as well as the reasons for the lack of high educational activity of students. Particular emphasis is placed on the «economization» of value orientations, life plans and behavior of students. The authors make conclusion that it is necessary to develop partnerships between technical universities and enterprises-employers to enhance the eff ectiveness of training engineers and optimize their value orientations.

regionalization, value system, students, professional training, effi ciency of professional training, motivation of educational work, life plans of the youth, “university-enterprise” partnership.

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