Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The system of performance indicators of employment of managers at various levels is correlated with the business processes of the enterprise: the main, auxiliary and management business process. There are developed KPIs for the enterprises of the Russian Federation. The paper presents the author’s method of calculation of incentive bonuses for managers of industrial enterprises. The aim is in the theoretical substantiation and development of methodical and practical recommendations for the management of productivity of industrial enterprises. Target setting defi ned a range of tasks: to investigate the factors aff ecting the productivity of industrial enterprises in modern conditions; to analyze the performance of work and determine the possibility of their use in the evaluation of performance management; to develop a method of forming a system of performance management; to conduct testing of the developed method of forming a system of performance management in terms of import substitution based on a comprehensive index.

productivity, key performance indicators, labor activity, managers, motivation, incentives, industrial enterprises, business processes, model, system.

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8. Gagarinskii A.V. The balanced scorecard of the firm’s human capital (adopted from Russian industrial firms). Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference. 2013, I. 2. pp. 1020-1025. (in English)

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