Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article notes that a variety of approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of organizational culture is most pronounced sociological, cultural, and socio-economic emphases, with an evident inexpressive psychological component of the phenomenon. However, in the famous work by E. Shein it is noted that the concept of culture is of the greatest importance in those cases when it helps to explain some incomprehensible and irrational aspects of groups and organizations. In this sense, it is the psychological component can give a valid defi nition to the manifestation of organizational culture in the specifi c sphere of joint activity. Based on the analysis of empirical data it is justifi ed heuristic diff erential typological approach in the search for defi nitions of organizational culture. In the article is showed that health care organizations a determining infl uence on organizational and psychological processes has a leadership style leader. Highlighted four types of organizational culture (professional self-realization, personal norms and values, conformism) defi ned typological characteristics of management style, status, professional identity, levels of organizational loyalty and group cohesion, types of interpersonal trust. Psychological features highlighted in each type OK, allow managers to focus on the most important tasks of organizational work.

organizational culture, management style, professional identity, organizational loyalty, group cohesiveness, interpersonal trust.

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