Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The paper presents an overview of current legislation governing the use of electronic signatures in records of the personnel service. Assessment of the current state personnel offi ce of the large holding companies is carried out. Defi ciencies, destabilizing the work for personnel are identifi ed. In complete electronic document management in HR administration it is considered the use of all three types of electronic signatures specifi cally to the documents of employment, current work and layoff s. The article describes the steps, including the development of technical solutions for electronic document management in HRadministration. The estimation of the risks for the each document is given. The article describes the possible loss that may be valid, invalid, and absolutely not acceptable in the relation to the possible risk. The author describes the steps, including the development of collective decisions at the organizational level as the business community. The description of work of the Expert Council Working group Electronic personnel documents is given. Bill No. 686611-6 to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (regarding the use of electronic documents in activity of judicial authorities) is considered, which comes into force on 1 January 2016. Basic directions of improvement of electronic document management in the part of the personnel offi ce, not inconsistent with existing legislation are identifi ed. From a legal point of view, the necessity of electronic document management in HR-administration at the modern stage of society development is justifi ed.
electronic document management in HR-administration, remote work, characteristics of an electronic signature, relative risk assessment, crossindustrial Advisory Council.
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