Rural tourism in foreign countries stably occupies a leading position in tourism industry. As practice shows, its establishment was accompanied by significant participation of the state in terms of the development of different measures and programs for supporting and promotion. The author has generalized foreign experience of such participation. This allowed distinguishing by criterion of the intensity of the efforts of state authorities aimed at the formation and development of the tourism industry in rural areas three types of state policy of development of rural tourism: active, passive and moderate. The article shows the features of these approaches in the formation of the base of strategic documents. As it can be seen from the materials of the article, along with the strategy and programs of development of rural tourism the special legal framework of rural tourism is formed. It is a part of an active state policy and regulates certain aspects, such as taxation, quality of service, etc. Moderate public policy of development of rural tourism is limited to the basic strategic documents, as well as individual measures of interagency cooperation and coordination of the instruments. Passive type of public policy in rural tourism is not systematic and consistent and is characterized by using of separate measures aimed at the development of rural tourism. The article shows the areas and peculiarities of building of interagency cooperation in the development of strategic decisions about the development of rural tourism in the framework of these public policy types. The differences in the coordination of the instruments of public policy of development of rural tourism at all levels of regulation are justified. Various intensities of cross-sectoral integration processes in the development of rural areas correspond to certain types of public policy in rural tourism.
public policy, rural tourism, type
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