The structure of Russian society is seriously distorted. Among all graduates of vocational education institutions, the share of University graduates is about 60%. The Russian economy will be about 75 % of the graduates of vocational education institutions with medium and low qualifications. 50 % of young specialists with higher education change their profession or qualification. This situation prompted the authors to study the problems of vocational guidance of schoolchildren. The empirical base for the study was a survey conducted in September-October 2015. The study used a systematic probability sample. Of 800 participants in the experiment in three Russian regions (Moscow, Kirov, Vologda region) was selected 152 people for interviewing. The object of the research is learning in school youth. The study focused on motivation, possible models of behavior and choice of profession. The results contribute to the understanding of the essence of motivation of choice of profession graduates of schools as a set of stable motives. Evidence shows that the motivation of the choice of the high school graduates profile of higher education or a future profession effected not by the school.
professional orientation, motivation of choice of profession, professional concerns, the role of schools in choosing a profession.
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