Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
The goal of the research is constructive adaptation of automotive diesel engines working by diesel mixed fuel. A perspective kind of an alternative motor fuel is biodiesel blend produced with mixing of vegetable oil and conventional diesel fuel in different percentages. The present diesel-powered machinery is not adapted to work on such kind of fuel because of the different properties of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Applying of the invented devices (such as dual-fuel supply system, the mixer-filter and ultrasonic fuel mixer) allows to adapt automotive diesel engines for work on biodiesel blend. The dual-fuel supply system performs engine start, warm-up and stop modes on mineral diesel fuel, and its work on biodiesel blend on other modes. The original design of the fuel mixer-filter provides effective mixing of components and filtration from contaminants. Due to the high frequency vibrations the ultrasonic mixer provides the obtaining of homogeneous fuel composition and molecular splitting of higher fatty acids contained in vegetable oil.
diesel, mixed fuel, dual-fuel, system, powered, mixer, ultrasound
1. Ukhanov, A. P. Non-traditional bio component of diesel mixed fuel: monograph / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, E. A. Sidorov, E. D. Godina. - Penza : PC PSAA, 2013. - 113 p.
2. Ukhanov, A. P. Examining properties of biological components in diesel-mixture fuel / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, I. F. Adgamov // Niva Povolzhya. - 2014. - № 1 (30). - P. 92-98.
3. Ukhanov, A. P. The use of biofuels in tractor diesel engines / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, V. A. Rachkin [et al.] // Niva Povolzhya. - 2007. - № 4. - P. 53-57.
4. Ukhanov, A. P. Rapeseed biofuel alternative to petroleum motor fuel / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, V. A. Rachkin, N. S. Kireeva // Niva Povolzhya. - 2007. - № 2. - P. 37-40.
5. Ukhanov, A. P. The results of motor tests of mustard biological fuel / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, V. A. Golubev [et al.] // Tractors and agricultural machinery. - 2011. - № 5. - P. 7-10.
6. Ukhanov, A. P. Biofuel from camelina / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, V. A. Rachkin [et al.] // Tractors and agricultural machinery. - 2011. - №2. - P. 8-11.
7. Bychenin, A. P. The influence of mixed mineral and vegetable fuels on the resource of precision pairs of fuel injection equipment for diesel engines / A. P. Bychenin, M. A. Bychenina // Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. - 2013. - № 3. - P. 54-59.
8. Structural adaptation of diesel engines of automotive machines to the work on mixed fuel / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, I. F. Adgamov, E. D. Godina // Niva Povolzhya. - 2014. - № 2 (31). - P. 84-92.
9. Ukhanov, A. P. Device for operation of a diesel engine on biofuel and evaluation of the technical state of assemblies and units of the fuel equipment / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, I. F. Adgamov // Operation of automotive equipment: experience, problems, innovations, prospects : coll. of articles all-Russian sci.-pract. conf. - Penza : PC PSAA, 2013. - P. 113-120.
10. Pat. № 2548334 of the Russian Federation. IPC F 02 M 43/00 F 02 D 19/06. The power supply system of a tractor diesel engine with a manual feed control of a composite fuel / Ukhanov A. P., Ukhanov D. A., Adgamov I. F. - № 2014112925 ; аppl. 02.04.2014 ; publ. 20.04.2015, Bull. № 11.
11. Pat. № 2486949 of the Russian Federation. IPC B 01 F 5/06. Mixer filter of mineral fuels and oils / Ukhanov A. P., Ukhanov D. A., Kryukov V. V. [et al.]. - № 2012113657/05 ; аppl. 06.04.2012 ; publ. 10.07.2013, Bull. № 19.
12. Pat. № 2546891 of the Russian Federation. IPC F 02 M 43/00, 01 F 11/02 B 01 F 3/08, F 02 D 19/08. Ultrasonic mixer vegetable oil and mineral fuel / Ukhanov A. P., Ukhanov D. A., Adgamov I. F. - № 2014112926 ; appl. 02.04.2014 ; publ. 10.04.2015, Bull. № 10.
13. Ukhanov, A. P. Ultrasonic mixer / A. P. Ukhanov, K. A. Akhramenko, I. F. Adgamov // Operation of automotive equipment: experience, problems, innovations, prospects : coll. of articles all-Russian sci.-pract. conf. - Penza : PC PSАA, 2013. - P. 108-111.
14. Ukhanov, A. P. The research results of the ultrasonic mixer for vegetable-mineral fuels / A. P. Ukhanov, D. A. Ukhanov, I. F. Adgamov // Operation of automotive equipment: experience, problems, innovations, prospects: collection of articles of II International scientific-practical conference - Penza : PC PSAA, 2015. - P. 116-120.