Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights the social priorities, personnel management principles in Germany, which are based on the famous German «Ordnung» (step by step), the postulate of individualism. It is noted that the «Iron Chancellor» Bismarck developed the principles of social protection of the German personnel. These principles formed the basis of the German social market economy: providing working conditions, promotion of awareness and independence, encouraging responsibility. The article presents basic palette of social and fi nancial assistance to needy staff , which are provided through centers of employment and work of the Agency. The peculiarities of personnel management are indicating in the conditions of uncontrolled aggressive invasion of refugees in Germany. Gateways are opened for them «without limit» Chancellor Angela Merkel, acting only in the interests of the USA. This led to mass protests, similar to a civil war throughout the country. This article argues that in these circumstances, Germany needs a new Bismarck, who would once again strengthened Germany, with the support of Russia, as it was in the past. Russia could again become a partner of Germany, especially in the process of human resource management in the prevailing critical conditions, based on its invaluable experience in multinational and multi-confessional Russia.

priorities, principles, Bismarck, social protection, Center of employment, fi nancial assistance, personnel management, refugees, protest, Merkel, partnership, Russian assistance.

По материалам доклада на пленарном заседании V Всероссийского межвузовского кадрового форума «Инновационное управление персоналом», ГУУ, Москва, 21–23 мая 2014 г.


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