Samara, Russian Federation
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is the development of peas productivity increasing ways in the conditions of Middle Volga forest steppe. Results of researches during 2013-2015 with an assessment of photosynthetic activity indexes, structure of harvest, productivity and fodder advantages of peas by different methods of crops preseeding processing and are given by biogrowth factors Noktin and Fertigrain. The largest square of leaves 45.0-47.4 thousand sq.m/ha is formed in a phase of blossoming peas on options at an inoculation of seeds by Rizotorfin and Rizotorfin + Fertigrain Start with after-treatment of crops with biostimulator Fertigrain Foliar in a phase of 4-6 leaves. Photosynthetic potential of crops for vegetation was made without processing of seeds and crops on vegetation of 1.275 million sq.m/ha in a days, when processing seeds preparations Fertigrain Start it raises to 1.305 million sq.m/ha in a days. Net productivity of a photosynthesis reaches maximum in options with processing of seeds Noktin + Fertigrain Start and Rizotorfin + Fertigrain Start and processing of crops on vegetation with an index 4.00-4.09 g/m2 days. The conducted researches showed that all options of processings of seeds and crops increase the efficiency of peas. The greatest productivity of peas 2.04 t/ha and 2.12 t/ha is reached on the crops processed with preparation Fertigrain Foliar in budding phase against processing of seeds preparations Rizotorfin + Fertigrain Start and Noktin + Fertigrain Start. These options differ also in the best fodder advantages with collecting nonvolatile solid 1.82-1.90 t/ha, the feed protein units 2.32-2.41 thousand/ha and an exit of an exchange energy 23.35 - 24.27 GDzh/ha. Results of the conducted researches Noktin and Fertigrain allow todraw the conclusion for application effectiveness of preseeding inoculation of seeds and processing of crops vegetation by preparations.
safety, photosynthetic, capacity, yield, digestible, protein, exchange
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