Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is to identify potato varieties with high ecological flexibility and stability in the conditions of steppe zone of the Urals. The experience was laid by one-factor circuit in 3-fold repetition. The studies were conducted for middle and middle-early varieties of potatoes domestic and foreign selection. We define the parameters of their ecological plasticity and stability analysis using two-factor model (conditions and years). In 3-year data were allocated potato varieties – Artemis (58.9 t/ha), Aerrow (51.6 t/ha), Riviera (51.1 t/ha), Romano (55.2 t/ha). The regression coefficient ranged from 0.54 to 2.59, the stability coefficients vary from 0.20 to 49.04. It was found that the regression coefficient is significantly greater than one, indicating that the progressive increase in yield under the influence of improved growing conditions in such varieties as: Rainbow (Ri 2.19), Sail (Ri 2.59), Memory Kovalenko (Ri 2.41) Tarasov (Ri 2.05), Karatop (Ri 2.19) – varieties of intensive type. Revealed grade plastic – Nevsky, Spiridon, Romano, Aerrow, Scarlett Red, Riviera, Curator (Ri=0.70-1.08).

potatoes, variety, productivity, ecological, flexibility, stability

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