Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses the information that has been gathered in the sphere of collective labor disputes, strikes, labor protests and conflicts in Russia. It contains official statistics which show that collective labor protests are held strictly within the frameworks stipulated by law (collective labor disputes, strikes), the number thereof is low and does not increase in difficult and crisis periods. At the same time increasing is the number of protests which take place in various forms and without resort to procedures provided for by law for the resolution of labor conflicts. The author pays attention to the role of the currently effective legislation, the enforcement thereof, including judiciary practices, and the consequences of such practices. The author concludes that the legislature, enforcement and case practice – all call for changes which would be conducive to making use of legislation of collective labor disputes not only as a prohibitive and restricting tool, but as a creative effective, convenient and efficient mechanism of solving collective labor conflicts.

labor law, right to strike, collective labor disputes, labor conflicts, labor protests.

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