Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is improving the uniformity of sowing seeds of amaranth paniculate cellular-disk sowing device. One of the conditions allowing to achieve high planned yield of amaranth is its accurate seeding with specified messagenum interval. Uniform distribution of seeds and plants is necessary due to the high requirements to the area of nutrition. Analysis of the existing agropolicy and designs of modern metering devices for fine-seed crops shows that they do not allow to implement fully agroclavine accuracy of seed distribution in the row when planting amaranth with a variation megamanny intervals (10-15%) and low seeding rate (0.3-0.5 kg/ha), due to the very small sizes of seeds and characteristics of their physical and mechanical properties. In this regard, was developed a constructive-technological scheme of the cellular-disk sowing device, allowing to carry out the sowing amaranth seeds with low seeding rate and high longitudinal uniformity of distribution of seeds in the row. Novelty design cellular-disk sowing device is confirmed by the patents of the Russian Federation for inventions and utility model №61981, №2347349 respectively. The theoretical substantiation of the basic constructive and regime parameters of mechanical cellular-disk sowing device for sowing amaranth, in particular, the analytically determined: unit cell parameters of a seed disc and the velocity of the seed relative to the wire mesh of a seed disc. As a result of theoretical research has been substantiated geometric cell parameters: maximum diameter of the cell Dmax = 1.42 mm, the maximum depth of a cell Nmax = 1.62 mm, and the conditions of collapse of amaranth seeds in a cell, seed disc, namely the critical speed of the seed cattle = to 0.074 m/s and critical frequency of rotation of a seed disc min-1, which will be retraction of the amaranth seeds in a cell of a seed disc.

amaranth, seeding, device, drive

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