Russian Federation
The article offers possible ways of training of multipurpose teachers for the schools in difficult social conditions – rural educational organizations. A variant of organization of education of students in the areas of training 44.03.01 and 44.03.05 "Pedagogical education", bachelor level of profiles of "Natural Science", "Humanitarian field of knowledge", "Social-economic field of knowledge", "Information technology", "Integrated field of knowledge of health and safety" is represented. The methodological basis of such training is disclosed — the idea of an interdisciplinary approach to the development of science, transforming in the education field to the idea of interdis - ciplinary training for professional activity of future teachers of rural schools. This option of education of future teachers accounts for a major (prevailing) trend of development of modern scientific knowledge integration, and the specific living conditions of rural schools as well. The article presents an efficiency target guidelines (in the form of making of specific competences of rural schools teachers), ideas of building content and organization of the learning process of students as the basic characteristics of the basic educational program.
integration, interdisciplinary approach in a science development, rural school, teacher of a rural school, the areas of training "Pedagogical education", specialized secondary school, higher education, the profile (orientation) training, multipurpose teacher, the concept of an interdisciplinary approach in the training of future teachers, multidisciplinary teaching, didactics of the higher school, metasubject
Наши научные интересы связаны с жизнедеятельностью общеобразовательных организаций, расположенных в сельской местности, и в силу этих обстоятельств обладающих определенной спецификой. Какое отражение в жизнедеятельности сельской школы находит общая тенденция к интеграции? И как ее можно эффективно использовать для повышения качества образования в условиях школ, расположенных в неблагоприятных социальных условиях?
Обобщим основные специфические признаки жизнедеятельности сельской школы с позиции проявления в ней интеграционных процессов. Представим в табл. 1 основные выделенные нами интеграционные явления [8].
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7. FGOS VPO po napravleniyu podgotovki 44.03.01 (050100.62) «Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie», utverzhdennogoPrikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 04 dekabrya 2015 g. № 1426 [GEF HPE towards training 44.03.01 (050100.62) "Teacher education" utverzhdennogo Prikazom Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on December 4, 2015 № 1426].
8. FGOS VPO po napravleniyu podgotovki 44.03.05 (050100.62) «Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie», utverzhdennogo Prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 09 fevralya 2016 g. № 91 [GEF HPE towards training 44.03.05 (050100.62) "Teacher education" utverzhdennogo Prikazom Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 09 February 2016 number 91].