Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to develop an algorithm of complex conservative treatment of patients with cervical osteo-chondrosis. We examined and provided conservative treatment to 40patients with cervical osteochondrosis in periods I–II with severe pain syndrome. The treatment was mainly aimed at pain management. For this purpose, we assigned non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) to the patients. NSAID are the most effective medicinal agents, first of all due to their analgesic effect. Also, the treatment included physiotherapy and acupuncture. As a result of the treatment, neurological manifestations were reduced. Number of cervicalgia cases decreased from 12 (before the treatment) to 6 (after the treatment), number of cervical cranialgia cases – from 12 to 7, number of cervicobrachialgia cases – from 16 to 8 correspondingly. Developed complex of conservative treatment measures al-lows to obtain successful treatment results in most cases. It is important to note that proposed treatment regimen is available, simple and can be applied in all neurological and neurosurgical units and hospitals.

cervical spine, osteochondrosis, conservative treatment

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