the National Unit «Personnel Management» (CEO)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The author considers the personnel policy in different subjects of management. Its constructive and destructive potential is revealed. The author gives characterization consolidating of society risks, generated by ill-considered personnel policy. The author emphasizes that the capability of human resource strategy is not quite comprehended in state governance yet. The need is stressed to employ of a holistic scientific approach to reproduction and demand for human resource capacity, what will provide personnel security of the society and the state in the conditions of human resource globalization.
personnel policy, subjects of personnel policy, consolidation risks, dilettantism, state personnel policy, human resource strategy, human resource globalization, personnel sovereignty, personnel security, human resource management, human resource potential.
Имеет ли потенциал консолидации кадровая политика как социальное явление? Какие риски консолидации общества может таить в себе это явление? Поиск ответов на эти вопросы предполагает выяснение, что представляет собой консолидация общества, в каком контексте рассматриваются кадровая политика, субъекты кадровой политики?
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