Russian Federation
The reforms of the education system that took place in many countries have an impact on the funding of education. Decentralization of the education governing resulted in uneven allocation of state investments and change in state participation in education. Comparison of international education financing indexes both in general and on its individual levels based on the four main indexes was carried out to define the features of education financing in the world. The problem of international comparison of education financing indexes lies in identification of the integrated index of resources’ provision on the one hand and various results of education system functioning on the other one. The research conducted shows that in order to transfer to the education model for innovative development of state and society, government of any country should make serious efforts at reforming the education system, including the change in the financing structure of education.
financing of education, financing indexes, state participation, international financing indexes of education levels, components of education.
В последние десятилетия в большинстве развитых зарубежных стран проведены разнообразные реформы образования, затронувшие систему управления и финансирования образования. Наиболее выраженной оказалась тенденция к децентрализации, передаче многих управленческих полномочий и функций от центра на более низкие уровни и к расширению участия общества в процессе управления. Несмотря на управленческие реформы, основная ответственность за предоставление образования и его финансирование по-прежнему ложится на государственные власти различного уровня.
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