In this article the main approaches to optimization of activity of the pharmaceutical organizations in the context of a psychological reflection of an image of a drugstore in corporate culture of the pharmaceutical organization are considered. The existing contradiction in consciousness of consumers in the field of perception of pharmaceutical goods and services, is also shown concerning visitors of drugstores to workers of the first table: to pharmacists and druggists. It is essentially important to heads of the pharmaceutical organizations to find the optimal solution for emotional support of personnel. Such unique phenomenon of modern management as corporate culture can play a key role in this situation. Thanks to an involvement of employees at the enterprise the strong command spirit, the atmosphere of mutual assistance and mutual understanding will be able to be created that will promote in turn resistance to stress of workers, to emergence of enthusiasm and internal motivation of members of collective constantly to self-improve in the sphere of the professional activity. Ability of the management of the pharmaceutical organization to build the system of management based on corporate culture with use of the principles of an involvement can guarantee prosperity of business in the long term.
image, psychology of an image, emotional loading, corporate culture, involvement of personnel of the pharmaceutical organization.
Тема восприятия образа актуальна для всех сфер человеческой жизнедеятельности. Бизнес не является исключением. В настоящее время конкурентная борьба осуществляется не столько между продуктами и результатами деятельности, сколько между мнениями об образах организаций. В организации как социальной системе человек является и субъектом, и объектом управления, в ней переплетаются интересы личностей и групп, устанавливаются правила и нормы отношений, вырабатываются свои миссия, культура, имидж.
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