Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Russian Federation
The research is improvement of cultivation of winter wheat technology for the basis of growth regulators application. The object of the research was the most common winter wheat variety Bezenchukskaya 380. The growth regulators TSE-TSE-TSE, Reggae, Moddus preparations were examined based on chlormechvatchlorid – inhibiting the synthesis of gibberellins. In the experiment, the authors used the full plant protection: herbicides, fungicide, and insecticide. Mineral fertilizers were used in the form of spring fertilizing of plants of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 200 kg per ha in physical weight (68.8 kg/ha., D. V.). The results of the research showed that the growth regulators TSE-TSE-TSE, Reggae, Moddus, regardless of the conditions during the growing season, reduce the length of the internodes and consequently, total height of plants of the variety Bezenchukskaya 380. Morpho-physiological changes of plants are accompanied by changes of particular elements of the productivity, which determines the for-mation of different grain yield. However, higher grain yield under the influence of growth regulators is formed only when the growth and development of plants takes place in the conditions of adequate moisture. In arid conditions, the application of growth regulators has no positive influence on yield formation. Thus, when cultivating the variety Bezenchukskaya 380 on intensive technology the use of retardants is reasonable in the conditions of adequate moisture. Therefore, the decision to use this method should be made taking into account long-term forecast weather conditions.
winter, wheat, regulators, growth, grain, yield
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