p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is improving the state of carbohydrate amylase complex in the grain of winter wheat varieties and Volga 86 Torch through the use of fertilizers. Studied quantitative starch content, amylase activity of α-, β-amylase and the total activity in the grain of winter wheat varieties and Povolzhskay 86 and Svetoch on the background of the use of pre-treatment of seeds microfertilizers ZhUSS both separately and in combination with nitrogen fertilizers. The results of studies of carbohydrate-amylase complex of winter wheat represented on average over the 2011-2013 for grades Volga 86 and the average for 2014-2016 for grades Svetoch. The studies were conducted in the conditions of forest-steppe of the Average Volga region. Microfertilizers pre sowing seed was carried out with the mass concentration of the active elements, g/dm3: ZhUSS-1 (33-38 copper, boron 5.5-5.7) ZhUSS, 2 (32.0-40.0 copper, molybdenum 14.0-22.0) ZhUSS-3 (16.5-20.0 copper, zinc 35.0-40.0), and feeding the wheat seedlings nitrogen fertilizer: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and urea. An increase of the total activity observed in the variant amylases using 3-ZhUSS drug either alone or in combination with nitrogen fertilizers cultivar Povolzhskaya 86 on average 9.5%, and varieties Svetoch – 4.3% compared with control. Comparing the results of activity of amylolytic enzymes and quantitative starch content, can be traced inverse relationship between these parameters. For example, in embodiments with high starch content in the average for the years r correlation studies it was equal to grade Volga 86 – 0.43, and for the variety Svetoch– 0.42-0.44.
winter, wheat, starch, amylolytic, enzymes, nitrogen, fertilizers
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