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Abstract (English):
The paper reports the consideration of the procedure for the computation of pressure and temperature fields in a lubricating layer of a tapered hydrostatic dynamic bearing based on a joint solution of Reynolds equations, a balance of energies and a balance of expenses and also additional correlations for thermal-physical properties of lubricating material taking into account turbulence and a thermal effect. The solution of this system was carried out through a numerical method of finite differences. The theoretical and experimental investigations show that lubricating material in a tapered hydrostatic dynamic bearing ensures a sufficient carrying capacity. This work offers the use of results shown for the analysis of rotor systems on tapered bearings and it will be useful for scientific workers and engineers dealing with the problems of computation and design of slider bearings in highspeed systems.

tapered hydrostatic dynamic bearing, pressure field, temperature field, Reynolds equation, equation of energy balance, equation of expense balance, method of finite differences
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