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Abstract (English):
In the paper the assessment of the efficiency in a compliance activity process is considered. The peculiarity of this investigation is the integration of current procedures of quality management with quality meter-ing regulations. The range of quality indices in a co-pliance activity is offered. The assessment of compliance activity quality is offered for carrying out through the method of the formation of the generalized (complex) quality index with the use of quality metering regulations. A complex index is calculated according to the data of process monitoring in accordance with the principle of weighted average. An approach to the setting of planned values of quality indices is offered. The recommendations are given for the application of an expert method for the definition of factors of value weightiness. A scale for the interpretation of assessment results is shown. The introduction of critical values of quality indices for the recalculation of an efficiency assessment obtained with the use of a veto factor is offered. The results of the paper are of interest for managers of quality.

quality, compliance, compliance activity, process, assessment, improvement, veto factor
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