Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the study of the heritage of Karl Marx and attempts to apply his views to the modern problems. On the basis of the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, and of the multidisciplinary approach it was be able to trace the urgent need and the ability to achieve the «humanization» of relations of the natural world in the human world. Not by chance 2017 is called the Year of the Environment. Alternative energy research problem will always remain relevant and new. Based on the study of foreign experience in the use of alternative energy sources, we investigated the prospects for the use of energy resources in the world in general and in Russia in particular.

Capital Marx, space and time, renewable energy, international experience of the use of environmental energy.
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Сегодня мы исправляем прошлые ошибки и пытаемся воздать должное великим, незаслуженно низвергнутым и затоптанным в грязь прежним кумирам. Едва ли не самый яркий пример — Карл Маркс. Сейчас очень важно знать, о чем действительно думал и писал Маркс.


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