Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the meta-subject results of the international monitoring study of mathematical literacy of younger schoolchildren TIMSS, conducted in 2015. Three main groups of tasks for evaluation of the general educational achievements of Russian schoolchildren of the fourth grade, corresponding to the three groups of universal educational activities (educational, regulatory, communication) are characterized. The article presents examples of tasks for each of age group of schoolchildren. The typical challenges faced by Russian younger schoolchildren in the performance of tasks, and errors detected during the initial analysis of the results of research in mathematics TIMSS-2015 are listed.
international monitoring study TIMSS; fourth grade schoolchildren; Federal state educational standard of primary education; universal learning activities; mathematics; typical difficulties of general educatoin nature.
Задания третьей группы. Рассуждение
Особенность выполнения заданий третьей группы состояла в том, что учащийся применял знания в новой ситуации, а решение (или обоснование) состояло из нескольких шагов.
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