Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
The experience of using turquoise organizations has long been used abroad. Turquoise organizations are the so-called “living” organizations, working on the principle of a single organism, a living system: flexibly reacting to the changes taking place, making decisions on an intuitive level and subtly feeling its internal and external processes. In working with the personnel of Russian organizations it is a new technology that is of interest from the point of view of theorists and practitioners. The article attempts to define the conceptual basis of this technology taking into account the principles, mechanisms and expected results of the functioning of turquoise organizations. The article presents the essence, basic principles of turquoise organizations. The advantages and disadvantages of this form of management interaction are indicated. The article presents the foreign experience of turquoise organizations and the pilot project of the Russian organization. The prospects of using this innovative technology in working with the staff of modern domestic organizations are indicated.
the concept of turquoise organizations, turquoise organizations, the stages of development of organizations, the principles of turquoise organizations, the advantages and disadvantages of turquoise organizations, the mechanism of the functioning of “turquoise organizations”.
У каждой организации свои цели, задачи, пути их достижения. Соответственно, структура самой организации, а также стратегия управления не может быть одинаковыми у всех.
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