Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Gaspard Monge wrote: "The charm that accompanies science can overcome man's natural aversion to the mind intenseness and make them find pleasure in their mind’s exercise that for most of people seems as tiresome and boring occupation". He had written it including descriptive geometry. To exercise one’s mind — what is this but the brain building, and science is accompanied just by heuristic thinking, so that brings new discoveries for an intellectual. The most difficult in descriptive geometry is the ability to represent a spatial geometric figure or such figures’ combination on two images. It is clear that the usual problems of a course are resolved within the academic discipline, and are typical ones, readily understandable for any student of a technical high educational institution, while the tasks at Academic Olympics, even if these tasks are destined for use inside a high educational institution, are more difficult. If for a solving of problems from an ordinary problem book on descriptive geometry’s course it is enough to know literally a few algorithms, for tasks of increased difficulty that is not enough. The Academic Olympics’ functions reveal such a feature of those on descriptive geometry as their inseparable property to be a catalyst for development of heuristic thinking. Here there is not only the disclosure of students’ abilities to solve ordinary geometric problems, but the ability to solve problems of heuristic direction in general. It is obvious that knowledge of typical problems on the course of descriptive geometry is absolutely insufficiently, as well as it is insufficiently to know school geometry, that currently almost is not teaching in schools — now it is necessary to have not only the spatial perception, but at least the beginnings of heuristic thinking. This, plus the mobilization of all mental resources, contributes both to the solution of given geometric problems, and further solving other problems in the related areas of science and technology.

descriptive geometry, Academic Olympic on descriptive geometry, subject Olympics, education quality.

Вот что писал о науке, в том числе и о начертательной геометрии, ее создатель Г. Монж [21]: «Очарование, сопровождающее науку, может победить свойственное людям отвращение к напряжению ума и заставить их находить удовольствие в упражнении
своего разума, что большинству людей представляется утомительным и скучным занятием».


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