Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the system of professional retraining of the Deputy Directors of schools on educational work in the Moscow region. The importance of the activities of the Deputy head and modern requirements to professional competence are revealed. The results of microanalysis of the current state of the professional level of organizers of education are given, conducted by teachers of the Department of educational systems of the Academy of social management (ASOU). Next, special attention is paid to additional professional program of professional retraining «Management in education». It seems the structure, content summary, and technology implementation. The program is aimed at providing targeted assistance to the heads of educational institutions and teaching staff in the restructuring process of education and management on the principles of system- activity and competence approaches, and the definition of specific competences in the field of education. In the conclusion the main tasks of the nearest path of development of the faculty of professional retraining of pedagogical workers and ASOU are given, the expected results of their implementation are designed.

professional training, additional professional program, Deputy Director of school on educational work, professional competence, educational management.
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Понимая, что государственная политика в интересах детей является приоритетной, а «воспитание как аттрактор образования должно стать органичной составляющей педагогической деятельности, интегрированной в общий процесс обучения и развития» [6, с. 9], Академия социального управления (АСОУ) Московской области уделяет в своей научной и учебной деятельности особое внимание решению проблем развития профессиональной компетентности заместителей директоров школ по воспитательной работе.


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