Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the research is improvement of soil level processing quality by justification of key parameters of working bodies of the combined plow. The combined plow consisting of a frame and sections of working bodies is developed for realization of technological process of level processing of the soil with loosening of the subarable horizon. The working section supports the movements of the unit which are consistently established in the direction plow cases of the top tier with a ploughshare surface and the lower tier without ploughshare surface, containing a chisel and dump surface. For implementation of agrotechnical requirements to level processing of the soil the theoretical research on installation of depth of the course of cases of the top and lower tiers of the combined plow is conducted. The interrelation of bottom crests height of furrow from arrangement of working bodies in section and the angle of shift of the soil is investigated by chisel in the case of the lower tier. The distance between the case of the top tier and the case of the lower tier of the combined plow in the longitudinal plane for ensuring the free movement of the soil and stubble is proved. The carried-out theoretical justification and settlement and graphic determination of constructive parameters of working section cases of the combined plow are shown that their rational values are equal: width of capture of cases of the top and lower tier – 0.45 m; chisel width – 0.07 m; an interval of arrangement of working bodies on a plow – 0.45 m; distance between the case of the top tier and the case of the lower tier of the combined level plow – 0.55 m; depth of the course of the case of the top tier – 0.06- 0.18 m; the layer height which is cut out by the case of the lower tier – 0.25-0.35 m; processing depth chisel – 0.06-0.08 m.

soil, processing, tiered, combined, options, plow, depth
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