Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to considering of the level of burnout and meaning of life orientation of teachers. In the course of empirical research, it is shown that respondents with a strong level of emotional burnout was statistically more frequently observed mismatch in the semantic system of life orientations than respondents with mild burnout. For the last inner harmony, acceptance of his past, present and future is typical. The paper also outlines a paradox: a stressful situation, provoking emotional burnout, may under certain circumstances be considered as conditions for the development of teachers and psychologists. To identify these conditions and to develop on their basis a more modern medico-hygienic norms of work of teachers and psychologists, the authors see prospects for implementation of structural methods of protection from burnout.

emotional burning out, life-meaning orientations, professional stress, psychology and pedagogical activity.

Ритм жизни современного общества имеет тенденцию к постоянному увлечению. Изменения, наблюдаемые в сферах экономики, политики, культуры мирового сообщества в течение последних десятилетий, поднимают планку предъявляемых требований к педагогическому работнику, уровню его интеллектуального и профессионального развития, обладанию востребованными элементами таланта и трудолюбия.


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