Kazan', Russian Federation
As feedstock and final product represented by applicants and graduates, educational services are the same mobile factor of social production as capital and labor. Besides, the factor of professional specialist is more mobile than its transformed form: the factor of the employee in the industry. And if the government want to achieve the increased mobility of labor inputs, it should provide the factors of single educational service represented by pre-university, institutional and postgraduate training of professionals with the high mobility and imbalance.
educational services, Innovative processes, graduate, effective management, the quality of education, job creation, labor market, labor relations.
В Послании Президента РФ Федеральному Собранию от 1 декабря 2016 г. в число направлений конкурентоспособного развития страны была включена задача доступности образовательных услуг и их современного технологического обеспечения.
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