Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the components of the Unifi ed Certifi cation System for managers and specialists of the construction complex of the Russian Federation, as well as the principles of its functioning, technical and methodological assessment tools. The objectives of the fi nal certifi cation, which are established by the legislation on education (control of the assimilation of new knowledge) and qualifi cation and job certifi cation, established by labor legislation (confi rmation of compliance with the position held) are not aimed at achieving the self-regulation goals in construction defi ned by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. A Unifi ed system of attestation, developed by the All-Russian branch association of employers “National Association of Self-Regulating Organizations Based on the Membership of Building Persons” (NOSTROY), aims to confi rm the qualifi cation of a specialist in terms of knowledge of the norms of technical regulation of works in the fi eld of construction — norms that provide a safe execution of the kind of construction work on which this specialist is declared upon obtaining a certifi cate of admission to work aff ecting safety of objects of capital construction in Russia.

qualifi cation, specialist, attestation, evaluation, qualifi cation standards, labor function, qualifi cation testing.

Единая система аттестации руководителей и специалистов строительного комплекса - проект Национального объединения строителей [6, 8] (далее - НОСТРОЙ) Российской Федерации.


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