Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the article current problems of development of personnel capacity of the domestic organizations are considered. On the basis of the conducted empirical research (the analysis of scientifi c literature, results of polls of experts and anchor poll of young specialists) development of practical recommendations and off ers on realization of development of personnel potential in social practice of the organizations is presented in article. The basis of practical recommendations had included off ers on employment of young specialists in the profession; on stimulation of students, the educational organizations of the higher education, employers on rational development of personnel potential.
human resource development, government, education, employment, youth personnel policy.
Стратегическое социальное управление современными организациями невозможно без внедрения инновационных технологий [14], умелого использования трудовых ресурсов [11], развития кадрового потенциала предприятия, его пополнения молодыми, перспективными специалистами [6–8, 10, 15].
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