Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the authors consider the actual problem of formation of the conflictology training strategy for students studying in the specialty "Customs", future leaders and employees of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation. In the article methods of formation of conflictological competence of students are analyzed, developed taking into account the needs of potential employers. The results of various sociological studies conducted among students studying in the specialty "Customs" (Samara State Technical University) and employees of customs bodies are analyzed. Teaching and methodological support of the system of conflictological training is presented. The authors of the article give examples of various conflictological problems used in conducting classes and trainings aimed at the prevention of destructive conflicts, conflicts of interest and the prevention of occupational stress among customs offi cials.

conflict training, conflictological competence, teaching methods, professional stress, level of conflict, level of anxiety, teaching methods, conflicto logical task.


В современных социально-экономических условиях необходимым фактором развития таможенного менеджмента является совершенствование кадровых стратегий и методов управления персоналом.


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