Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers existing approaches to the management of intellectual resources in foreign and Russian practices. Also the authors discuss about the structure of intellectual capital with includes human, structural and customer (customer) capital. The authors propose fi ve functions for the management of intellectual capital in modern organizations (creation, evaluation, development, storage, distribution and transfer of intellectual assets and knowledge). The research focuses on the challenges that is facing the personnel management services in the fi eld of intellectual capital management and, in particular, knowledge of the company. The authors propose to manage intellectual assets and knowledge in the company through the development of training and development systems of personal and talent management, internal communication and improvement of infrastructure of knowledge management system. To address these challenges, the article examines the current practice of creation of Corporate universities, as centers of development of personnel and knowledge management in a company. The authors analyze the functions of Corporate universities, their main task, and the types of trainers (internal and external). In addition, the article discusses modern technologies, contributing to the development, consolidation, and translation of knowledge and intellectual assets in an organization.

management of organizations, intellectual capital management, human resource management, assessment, corporate university, internal trainer, development of education system.

В современной экономической литературе на передовые позиции выходит вопрос управления предприятиями в условиях развития экономики знаний, которая на первый план проблем топ-менеджмента организаций вывела вопросы
управления интеллектуальным капиталом предприятий.


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