Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the problem of pension age increase which is very sophisticated and important nowadays. The statistical portrait of number of pensioners in Russia; pension payments; minimum wage, the average cost of living and the average size of old age pensions in Russia from 2014 to 2016 years are published in this article. These analysis findings show dependence of many parameters on current pension age change. Some methods to increase pension payments to pensioners are analyzed in the article. Positive and negative sides of proposed methods were considered in this article. The reasons of the best method choice are given. This method is to reach the best figures not only in the whole Russia’s economic development but also in material well-being of citizens who draw a pension or pretend to draw a pension in a short term.
pension, pension payments, methods of increasing the pension, pensioners statistics, the dynamics of pension payments, pension age increase.
Статистический портрет
В последние годы пенсионная система Российской Федерации претерпевает кардинальное реформирование. Во-первых, это связано с достаточно непростой социально-экономической обстановкой в нашей стране.
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