Russian Federation
The problems arising from the transformation of the pension system are the most relevant in recent years. This article presents a retrospective analysis of pension systems in Russia and Italy. The statistical portrait of the number of pensioners, the dynamics of life expectancy and the number of years in retirement, the coefficient of pension load, the average pension in these countries were studied. Particular attention is paid to the advantages and disadvantages of the functioning of pension systems, the main directions of reform in recent years. The analyzed data allows to substantiate the relationship between statistical indicators explaining the prerequisites of the latest changes in the functioning of pension systems and the directions of their current improvement. The reasoned position regarding the design experience of the organization of the Italian pension system in relation to Russia will avoid a number of problems that can adversely affect not only each individual, but also the development of the whole country.
pension system, pensioners, coefficient of pension load, pension, life expectancy, retirement age.
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