Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the role of marketing personnel in shaping the competitive advantages of an enterprise, and approaches to the essence of marketing staff of various authors are considered. A model of personnel marketing has been developed in the formation of a competitive advantage of an enterprise based on elements of a systematic, process, and situational approach. At the first stage, this model implies the definition of enterprise goals, the study of personnel marketing and, on the basis of this, the formation of competitive advantages. At the second stage, the goals of personnel marketing and their implementation are determined; this stage is characterized by the admission of an employee to a specific position and his adaptation in the workplace at the enterprise. In turn, the adaptation includes: acquaintance with the organization and units, introduction to the position and conduct of primary education. The employee works on probation, after which he passes certification. Then the employee starts the employee in the appointed position. If job descriptions involve the development of certain competencies that the employee does not possess, then he needs to undergo training and certification. Positive certification of a specialist allows him to successfully work in his position and be appointed to the internal reserve of the enterprise. After assignment to the personnel reserve, career planning follows. Continuing careers and raising the qualifications of an employee and comparing the results of a learning assessment lead to the goal of this model, which increases employee productivity through an effective personnel marketing system. This model can be applicable for all enterprises and any industry. The model will: improve the competitiveness of the enterprise; strengthen competitive advantages; achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprise; increase the value of the workforce; to form and effectively develop the organizational culture of the enterprise; increase the efficiency of the communication process; improve the adaptability of the enterprise to changes in the external environment; to form an effective motivational policy of the enterprise; increase the attractiveness of the enterprise.

personnel marketing, competitive advantages, competitive advantage strategy, staff adaptation, personnel reserve of the enterprise, staff qualifications, staff motivation, staff marketing planning

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