Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Improving the competitiveness of Russian enterprises is impossible without the introduction of advanced production and management technologies. The article attempts to study the practice of introducing new management technologies in a number of domestic enterprises, to establish the level of eff ectiveness of this process and to formulate the main problems that prevent companies to implement this process as effi ciently as possible. One of the important problems of eff ective implementation of these technologies is the low level of organizational trust of the company’s employees to its management. This state of aff airs signifi cantly aff ects the eff ectiveness of both implementation procedures and the practice of using new management technologies in the daily activities of domestic enterprises. The early elimination of contradictions between the company’s management and its employees is the way to solve the problem of increasing the level of organizational trust. The article presents the results of a study of the level of trust in one of the major Russian companies. The use of the method of assessing the level of trust allowed to identify the causes of the difficulties encountered in the organization and to develop ways to increase the level of trust in the organization.
implementation, organization, personnel, level of organizational trust, management technologies
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