Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The eff ectiveness and effi ciency of any type of professional activity largely depends on the level of motivation of the staff . Currently, a signifi cant number of mechanisms to stimulate the labor activity of employees of organizations, as well as the levels of their importance to the individual in various constitutional working conditions are described. Of particular importance is the quality of services provided in the “helping” areas of activity, which include health care. However, the range of methods used to stimulate and motivate in this area is reduced only to the use of material monetary incentives, often not related to the direct performance indicators of specialists, which levels the motivational component of these activities. Taking into account the fact that doctors, as well as representatives of any other professions, have absolutely diff erent dominant motives of labor activity, in medical organizations it is necessary to apply a diff erentiated approach to motivating and stimulating activities, including various types of material non-monetary and non-fi nancial stimulation, the result of which will be an increase in the quality and availability of medical services provided to the population.

labor motivation, professional motives, material and non-material stimulation, monetary and non-monetary stimulation, hierarchy of labor motives of doctors

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