Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This paper substantiates the need for an innovative logistics approach through the formation of a multi-level system of information support of the cultural industry, contributing to the improvement of the overall organization of activities, increasing the relationship of individual units, improving manageability and growth of the overall economic effect. An option to improve the management of the promotion of informatization of the environment of functioning of business entities may be the creation of an Association. The main task of this Association should be to coordinate the activities of enterprises, organizations, authorities and management of information support of business entities. The main goal of the Association is to meet the demand for information necessary for business. The achievement of this goal will occur through the creation of a system of information support of entrepreneurial activities, creation of conditions for cooperation and coordination of sources and consumers of information, providing conditions for the concentration of participants of information exchange. The result of the functioning of the Association should be to contribute to the formation of the information market.
innovative potential, information support, logistics approach, development strategy, culture industry
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