Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Innovation Potential Indicator looks at behaviors that aff ect how new ideas, processes and products are generated, developed and implemented. For organizations fueled by new ideas and constant change, this assessment bridges the gap between what you know about someone in the present and their future potential for innovation and creativity. In article for increase of innovative potential of the organizations a number of indicators is off ered, their role in activization of innovative business processes is defi ned. In addition, the concept of innovative potential is clarifi ed and the analysis of existing methods for assessing innovative potential is carried out. The model of innovative potential including the following modules is off ered: researches and developments; new products; technological fl exibility, high technologies; the organization and management of human resources; information technologies; fi nancing of innovations; transfer of innovations; partnership and cooperation; innovative intelligent system; innovative methods. Barriers and prospects of development of innovative potential in Russia and its regions are defi ned.

competitiveness, innovation potential, management, innovation metrics

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