Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
“Industry 4.0”, demographical and value changes as well as other numerous factors transform approaches to company competitive performance a lot. New business models require modern approaches to increase labour and human resources management effi ciency. Changes on the labour market are refl ected in new social and economic models — share economy is rapidly developing. On the one hand, part-time job, short-term work contracts, remote work provide decrease of personnel costs and, on the other hand, they give an opportunity to attract people with necessary professional competencies in the company. Research results are presented by system analysis and characteristic of elements of remote work. The evolution of the studied approach to employment and workplace management is presented in the article. Also, both positive and negative aspects of remote work to an employee and an employer are described. In terms of HR-strategy implementation the focus is made on the novelty in the Labour Code of the Russian Federation from the point of the use of remote work. Some technological solutions on how to organize remote work are described. Benchmarking includes the practices of such companies as the bank «Tinkoff», «Automattic», «Apple», «CSSSR», «Beeline». Applicability of remote work is proved by the review of platforms providing communication between employers and professional employees. Development prospects of remote work is based on a number of international researches. The research is carried out by a project team by the request of management of the group of companies. Their aim is to use HR-strategy to provide a breakthrough in labour and HR management efficiency — the optimization of personnel costs with the increase of staff potential quality based on the current trend of remote work.

remotework, distantlabour, HR-strategy, employee, employer, HR-efficiency increase

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