Estimated relations between the main thermospheric neutral components at ionospheric F1-layer heights above Irkutsk in 2014–2017
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Abstract (English):
We have estimated seasonal variations in the main thermospheric gas components [O]/[N₂] and [O₂]/[O] for the period 2014–2017. We have used the well-known authoring technique and electron density measurements made with the Irkutsk digisonde (52° N, 104° E) at ionospheric F1-layer heights under different geomagnetic activity conditions. We have found that at these heights during geomagnetic disturbances in all seasons the molecular component of the neutral composition of the thermosphere increases and the atomic component decreases. In comparison with 2014, [O₂]/[O] values increased by 2017 under quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions: up to 30 % and 20 % in summer and spring respectively; up to 10 % in winter and autumn. The [O]/[N₂] ratio decreased by an average of 15 % by 2017. The assumption has been confirmed that in summer under quiet geomagnetic conditions the relative molecular oxygen content [O₂]/[O] increases with decreasing solar activity.

geomagnetic disturbances, gas component ratios
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