Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
At the present stage of development of society, the problems of the quality of life of people with disabilities and disabilities are especially relevant. The policy of modern Russia has a course towards reducing isolation and segregation of this category of citizens. Education for a person is an important condition for a full life and the ability to fulfi ll their educational needs. The state has formulated a clear idea of the mechanism for creating a school for all students. Inclusion makes it possible for each student to obtain knowledge in the volume necessary for him, taking into account his physical and mental state. Assistive technologies are aimed at supporting and improving the functionality of students with disabilities and disabilities. At the present stage of the development of inclusive education, the needs for assistive technologies are largely unmet.
assistive technologies, inclusive education, students with disabilities, students with disabilities
1. Agaeva I.B., Vecher M.V. Problema formirovaniya kommunikativnyh navykov v sisteme obrazovaniya lic s umerennoj umstvennoj otstalost'yu [The problem of the formation of communicative skills in the education system of persons with moderate mental retardation]. Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V.P. Astaf'eva [Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva]. 2016, I. 1 (35), pp. 90-95.
2. Belyaeva O.L., Dyadyaeva G.V. Obespechenie dostupnoj sredy v doshkol'nom obrazovatel'nom uchrezhdenii dlya detej s narusheniyami sluha, pol'zuyushchihsya kohlearnymi implantami [Providing an accessible environment in a preschool educational institution for children with hearing impairment using cochlear implants]. Sibirskij vestnik special'nogo obrazovaniya [Siberian Bulletin of Special Education]. 2013, I. 2, pp. 7-14.
3. Bykova A.O. Rol' sem'i v processe korrekcionno-razvivayushchego obucheniya pri ZPR u detej rannego vozrasta [The role of the family in the process of correctional developmental education for children with early childhood problems]. Korrekcionnaya pedagogika [Correctional pedagogy]. 2019, I. 2 (80), pp. 67-72.
4. Verhoturova N.Yu. Diagnostika emocional'nogo reagirovaniya uchashchihsya mladshego shkol'nogo vozrasta s narusheniem intellektual'nogo razvitiya: problemy i perspektivy issledovaniya [Diagnostics of the emotional response of primary school students with impaired intellectual development: problems and prospects of research]. Kazanskaya nauka [Kazan Science]. 2012, I. 8, pp. 130-133.
5. Volosnikova L.M., Efimova G.Z., Ogorodnova O.V. Riski obrazovatel'noj inklyuzii: opyt regional'nogo issledovaniya Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [The risks of educational inclusion: the experience of regional research at the Tyumen State University]. Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological science and education]. 2017, V. 22, I. 1, pp. 98-105.
6. Kozyreva O.A., D'yakova N.I., Vasil'eva O.N., Golosova E.A., Ukrainceva Yu.S., Hodyukova N.Yu. Obzor inklyuzivnyh obrazovatel'nyh tekhnologij [Overview of inclusive educational technologies]. Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii [Standards and monitoring in education]. 2019, I. 4, pp. 9-14.
7. Kozyreva O.A. Aktual'noe normativno-pravovoe obespechenie inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya [Actual regulatory support of inclusive education]. Municipal'noe obrazovanie: innovacii i eksperiment [Municipal education: innovation and experiment]. 2016, I. 4, pp. 58-64.
8. Kulakova E.V. Primenenie assistivnyh tekhnologij v praktike inklyuzivnogo obucheniya detej s narushennym sluhom [The use of assistive technologies in the practice of inclusive learning for children with impaired hearing]. Special'noe obrazovanie [Special Education]. 2014, I. 2, pp. 84-92.
9. Nabokova L.A. Zarubezhnye «assistivnye tekhnologii», oblegchayushchie social'nuyu adaptaciyu lic s narusheniyami razvitiya [Foreign “assistive technologies” that facilitate the social adaptation of persons with developmental disabilities]. Defektologiya [Defectology]. 2009, I. 2, pp. 84-92.
10. Nabokova L.A. Sovremennye assistivnye ustrojstva dlya lic s kognitivnymi narusheniyami [Modern assistive devices for people with cognitive impairment]. Defektologiya [Defectology]. 2009, I. 3, pp. 84-91.
11. Nabokova L.A. Sovremennye assistivnye ustrojstva dlya lic s narusheniyami dvigatel'nogo apparata [Modern assistive devices for persons with impaired motor system]. Defektologiya [Defectology]. 2009, I. 4, pp. 73-80.
12. Nikulenkov V.V., Kozyreva O.A., Babina O.I., Tukalova M.A. Mediativnye tekhnologii v realizacii inklyuzivnoj obrazovatel'noj sredy sovremennoj shkoly [Mediation technologies in the implementation of the inclusive educational environment of a modern school]. Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii [Standards and monitoring in education]. 2018, V. 6, I. 1, pp. 20-26.
13. Ogorodnova O.V., Patrusheva I.V. Regional'nye aspekty mezhvedomstvennogo vzaimodejstviya v inklyuzivnom obrazovanii [Regional aspects of interagency interaction in inclusive education]. Istoricheskaya i social'no-obrazovatel'naya mysl' [Historical and socio-educational thought]. 2016, V. 8, I. 5, pp. 119-124.
14. Proglyadova G.A., Deniskina V.Z. Analiz nekotoryh problem obucheniya slepyh uchashchihsya pis'mu po sisteme Brajlya [Analysis of some problems in teaching blind students writing in Braille]. Defektologiya [Defectology]. 2014, I. 3, pp. 89-94.
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