Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
This article discusses the implementation of professional standards in an organization. The author studies the prerequisites for the implementation of professional standards, the legislative framework to be followed, the methodological steps and the results of implementation. It is described that the implementation of professional standards in the organization requires the following steps: determining the list of posts, familiarizing employees, analyzing internal documents (labor contracts, job descriptions), posting information on a corporate website, creating personal training programs, conducting qualifi cation assessments and adjusting programs advanced training of employees. One of the results of the implementation of professional standards is the improvement of the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, as well as their eff ective placement in the organization. In addition, the article systematizes a plan for further work with professional standards.
formation of professional standards, legislative requirements for qualifi cations, personal programs for professional development, independent assessment of qualifi cations, criteria for career plans
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