The phenomenon of professional competence has become fi rmly established in the practice of human resource management of modern organizations. It plays a particularly important role in the psychological culture of the head as the leader of the organization, because this competence of the management becomes a “role model” for the employees of the organization. In this article the concept of psychological culture is considered, the level of psychological culture and private types of cultural and psychological behavioral manifestations of heads of diff erent levels of management is estimated. As a result of the study, the relationship between the level of psychological culture of managers and their socio-demographic characteristics is revealed. On the basis of the obtained data, recommendations for group training of managers have been developed. The results of the study can be applied in Russian organizations to implement the competence approach in human resources management as a key in their activities.
psychological culture, self-knowledge, psychic self-regulation, creation, constructive communication, harmonizing self-development
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