Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues related to the creation of conditions for the eff ective implementation of the function of recruitment and selection of personnel in the company. One of the main conditions put forward is the need to regulate the activities of the recruitment service, to establish uniform standards for all recruitment and selection procedures, to increase the ability of representatives of the recruitment service to interact with heads of departments on recruitment of candidates. A list of necessary internal local documents regulating the recruitment process and the actions of all participants in this process, as well as recommendations for the creation and fi lling of such regulations with specifi c content. Considerable attention is paid to the use of modern sources of search and attraction of candidates by the recruitment service, the review of the current existing experience of solving this issue is given.

recruitment, selection, selection, search, recruitment, personnel, recruitment manager, recruiting, vacancy, publicity, candidate, search sources, executive search, professional profile

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